Do you want to take complete control over the WordPress content editor? You can use the plugin called WP Edit to do that. Begin creating content like a pro without knowing HTML or CSS.


WP Edit will provide new buttons, additional options and extended formatting abilities to the existing content editor.

  • Insert images, media, videos, and clip art easily
  • Create tables using a graphical interface
  • Adjust table cell border and background colors
  • HTML and CSS skills are not necessary (although basics can certainly help)
  • create buttons using visual interface
  • Easily access all shortcodes available to your WordPress and insert them into content editor
  • Use shortcodes to insert columns like magazine style layouts in the content area
  • Easily adjust Font family, Font sizes, and formats.
  • Use a print option in the content editor
  • Insert date and time
  • Insert search and replace function in content editor

Why use this plugin?

Because you can easily insert media files, adjust fonts, styles, colors, sizes and tables like a pro without having to know HTML and CSS

What will you get using the free version?

  • Drag and drop functionality
  • Adds additional editor buttons like subscript, superscript, emoticons, search and replace, html editor, preview and many more
  • Add customer editor to exceprt areas and profile descriptions
  • Allows use of shortcodes
  • Highlight admin post/pages based on status (green=published, yellow=draft,etc)
  • Easy import/export plugin options

Why upgrade to the WP Edit Pro?

  • Powerful network installation functionality
  • Allow different user roles to different editor buttons
  • Extreme customer widget builder, create custom widgets like creating a post or page and insert it into widget area or content editor

If you would like the WP Edit Pro version of the plugin and you are a Jezweb hosting and support client let our team know and we will add it for you.

How to install WP Edit?

Step 1 Login to WordPress control panel

Step 2 Go to Plugins > Add New

Step 3 Enter WP Edit in the searh box and click Search Plugins

Step 4 Find WP Edit and click Install Now. Click OK if prompted with a dialog window

Step 5 Click Activate Plugin to start using WP Edit.

Step 6 You should now see the WP Edit page. WP Edit links can be found from the side navigation menu or the header menu.

Step 7 In this tutorial, we will use the Font family button and add it to the content editor. Drag the Font Family button to the Editor row.

Step 8 In this case, we will add a new page to show how we can use the newly added font family button. Go to Pages > Add New

Step 9 Enter the name of the page as WP Edit and notice that Font Family option is now visible from the first row of the content editor.

Step 10 From the Font Family dropdown, click on the dropdown arrow and select the desired font. In this tutorial, we will use Arial Black.

Step 11 Enter the desired text content in the text area and click Publish. Go to your online site and see the texts in Arial Black. You can also try other WP Edit buttons like Formats, Font Sizes, Print, Subscript, Superscript, Insert Date and Time and many more.