Marketing a small motel in Australia

Marketing a small motel in Australia Fundamentally the success of a motel will come down to having people who want to stay in the your town who are happy to pay the price you ask for accommodation but it's as simple as just build it and they will come.  To help our many website motel clients and [...]
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Marketing a paid subscriber website business

So you want to setup a paid membership website. Is it best to jump straight in with paid subscriptions and spend time setting up a website to do that or should we lay the foundations first by finding people who are interested in your topic and see you as an expert in your field. I [...]
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Sending businesses email that complies with the Australian spam laws

Everyday there are emails to me from companies locally and abroad pitching their services and I often wonder how the Australian companies in particular decide that they are not contravening the Australian spam laws. Overseas companies can do pretty much whatever they like. There are no substantial ways for the Australian regulators to stop them [...]
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Business tag lines

If you are going to create a tag lines please make it: funny memorable meaningful metaphorical helpful If not all of those elements then pick one at least. I am as guilty as anyone for using lame tag lines I still have a sign which has ‘websites that work’ on it. Honestly that seemed like […]

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Convey your meaning concisely

Get people to read enough words to understand mean as they glance at your webpage Make it easy for readers to skim over your page and know what it is about highlighted keywords (links, bold, italics, fonts, colour, highlighting) meaningful sub-headings (one idea per heading) bulleted lists one idea per paragraph start pages and paragraphs with the conclusion concise sentences [...]
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