TinyMCE Advanced is a WordPess plugin that allows WordPress users to change font type and size easily. We use this plugin in most Jezweb websites.

On this tutorial we will try to change the font size and font type. It is presumed that your WordPress site has this plugin ready installed, otherwise you can get the plugin from this link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/tinymce-advanced

1. Login to your WordPress site and go to Settings > TinyMCE Advanced. In the Editor Settings, drag the Font Family and Font Sizes box and drop them in the toolbar area. After that click Save Changes.

It may look like this.

2. Go to Pages > Add New > Backend Editor > Add Texblock > Edit Textblock.

3. Noticed that in the Text Block Settings, you can now see the Font Family and Font Size in the toolbar.

4. You can now use these feature to change your Font type and size. It’s pretty simple, just highlight the text and click on the dropdown box where it says Font Family or Font Size and choose your desired type and size.

5. Save it and view the site online.