Google loves to index websites that have detailed, original, informative content. If a shopping cart website is mainly composed of photos, product names and descriptions copy and pasted from supplier websites then it will be much more difficult to get Google to rank a website well than if the information for each product was original and unique.
Ideas for content to put on a product page of a shopping cart
- item name with descriptive keywords
- price
- colours or options
- 300+ words description
- 1+ youtube video
- 1+ photos
- 1+ pdf such as product manual or ebook
- reviews
- frequently asked questions
- example uses for the product
- list of benefits
- list of features
- list of great compatible products
- celebrity endorsements
- link to manufacturers page if it has lots of good info
And anything else relevant that might help, eg, someone saying something positive on twitter about a brand, or a review or comment by someone on a brand facebook page or reviews website. Use your imagination, look at what competitors are doing and see how you can emulate their ideas. The more you can add to a product page that is different from every other page on the web the better.
Minimum viable content for a shopping cart product page
- item name with descriptive keywords
- price
- colours or options
- 150 characters description
Experts in marketing shopping carts you might like to follow
There is a lot of great material online by really well qualified and experienced ecommerce marketers, one I would highly recommend is Neil Patel.
if you would like something to read about this topic, the first half of this in particular
in particular this quote
the more unique content you write for your product description will always be better for your SEO efforts. However, keep the following things in mind:
- Only write quality descriptive content that helps your customers make purchasing decisions.
- Don’t copy content from other websites. The search engines will penalize you for doing this.
Neil publishes a lot of other great material at:
Ecommerce Fuel
- If you like to listen to podcast audio then the ecommercefuel one would be a good start:
- And the detailed ebook published as a companion to the podcast:
- Will you compete on price, brand, added value or original manufacturing?
- Launching an online store when you are working
Bigcommerce publish some interesting blog posts like this one about creating product descriptions that SELL:
Shopify have great resources in their blog too like:
- – video series on shopping cart seo
- – video series on content marketing
Other ideas that could be implemented to help bulk up the content of a shopping cart:
- daily video blog on youtube channel
- daily email newsletter ala deal of the day
- daily podcast, audio and/or video
- blog, blogging, blog posting, guest blogging and more blogging
- social media, facebook especially for fashion or consumer products
- slideshare presentations
- ebay store
All of which can be very effective ways of improving the destination value of your website.