These are plugins that add extra functionality to Gravity Forms which are not in the official Gravity Forms extensions.

Gravity Forms WYSIWYG

This plugin adds a new form element of WYSIWYG which means that you can insert text boxes in a form that will give the person entering their text controls for bold, italics and other basic formatting as in the example below.

Add an Image to a HTML Block

Insert an image into a html block without having to add it separately to the media library.

Edit Images with Aviary when Uploading to a Form

Before you can start using this great plugin, you’ll need to get a developer api key from Get your api key here for free!.

Download Entries as PDF

Allows Gravity Forms Entries to be Viewed and Download in a Printer Friendly PDF Layout


  • Save PDF File on user submission of a Gravity Form so it can be attached to a notification
  • Customise the PDF template without affecting the core Gravity Form Plugin
  • Multiple PDF Templates
  • Custom PDF Name
  • Output individual form fields in the template – like MERGETAGS.
  • View and download a PDF via the administrator interface
  • Simple function to output PDF via template / plugin
  • Works with Gravity Forms Signature Add-On

PDF Features

Along with the above features, the new PDF features include:

  • Language Support – almost all languages are supported including RTL (right to left) languages like Arabic and Hebrew and CJK languages – Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
  • HTML Page Numbering
  • Odd and even paging with mirrored margins (most commonly used in printing).
  • Nested Tables
  • Text-justification and hyphenation
  • Table of Contents
  • Index
  • Bookmarks
  • Watermarks
  • Password protection
  • UTF-8 encoded HTML
  • Better system resource handling

Gravity Forms to Dropbox

The Gravity Forms Dropbox Uploader is a simple, intuitive plugin that integrates seamlessly into Gravity Forms and allows you to store Gravity Form uploads in your Dropbox account.


  • Gravity Form Uploads are saved to your authenticated Dropbox account
  • Intuitive user interface allows you to select what fields will upload to Dropbox
  • Quick set up time – you’re uploading in a couple of minutes
  • Option to delete files automatically from server after uploading to Dropbox

Connect to Infusionsoft

The best Infusionsoft plugin for WordPress.

Easily add contacts into Infusionsoft when users submit a Gravity Forms form.

Map your Gravity Forms form fields to Infusionsoft data, and have contacts automatically updated if the contact already exists.

Easily view contacts in Infusionsoft

When the Entry is created, a link to the Contact’s page in Infusionsoft is shown inside WordPress.

It’s the best form plugin combined with the best CRM service.

Forget manually adding the Infusionsoft Web Forms into your WordPress site. Use Gravity Forms, and you’ll be on your way with a beautiful, smart form in minutes.

Contact Detail Checker

Uses the contact details checking service of to improve the details submitted by the contact form of gravity forms.

Custom Form Email Templates

Improved style and layout of the emails which are generated by Gravity Forms so that they are more like the emails created by woocommerce.

WP Email Template does just 2 things – beautifully

  1. Applies a responsive, customizable, optimized html email template to every email sent from your WordPress site including plugin generated emails.
  2. Easy to use visual editor allows you to customize the style and header, footer content of your WP Email Template to match your site.

Encryption of Form Data

This plugin allows the data stored by Gravity forms and other Plugins to be Encrypted and even sent to another database if needed. The Plugin allows for Symmetric and A-Symmetric Encryption.

and there are more details on the developers website

Gravity Forms is an awesome plugin for WordPress.  However, it doesn’t come with an option to encrypt the data when it is being stored in the database. This is where the Gravitate Encryption Plugin comes in handy. This plugin allows you to use four methods of security with your client data.