To add the personalize tags click on the email template where you require to add the address and unsubscribe links. a small window with a menu will open please select the Personalize button and then you can select the personalize tags available.
To stop the default footer being added automatically you need to include the following tags. (You only need to use 1 Unsubscribe tag and 1 Sender Info tag to replace the default footer)
%UNSUBSCRIBELINK% – This unsubscribes the subscriber from the List the campaign was sent to. This tag will be replaced by a raw link. You would actually need to go to the code to add the tag to the <a href> HTML tag –> Ex. <a href=”%UNSUBSCRIBELINK%”>
%UNSUBSCRIBELINK%ALL – This unsubscribes the subscriber from ALL the Lists on your account. This tag will be replaced by a raw link. You would actually need to go to the code to add the tag to the <a href> HTML tag –> Ex. <a href=”%UNSUBSCRIBELINK%ALL”>
%SENDER-INFO% – This adds the Sender information on multiple lines.
%SENDER-INFO-SINGLELINE% – This adds the Sender information on a single line.
Once you’ve added these personalization tags, you can apply any formatting and/or styles you want.