You can filter list in  ActiveCampaign by looks various conditions so for example in my have tagged people in the contacts list tagged with a certain keyword then you can filter people who have don’t have that keyword to send an e-mail to.

Alternatively you might filter list according to whether someone has clicked on a certain link in a campaign or if they clicked on anything in any campaign which would indicate they’re interested in something you’ve got to say.

There’s lots of different ways you can filter a list segment and you can have multiple sets of filters applied. You can have multiple groups of filters as well so it should be quite flexible in narrowing your focus on a certain target client.

The following is an example of how we can filter a contacts list for a campaign so that we’re sending only to people with a certain tag and country and whether they clicked on link.

Manually adding a tag to a contact

To add a tag to a contact you can locate the contact and add any relevant tags from their profile page.

Use the search box when you are on the contacts tab to locate the person.

Type the tag into the tag box

Just type it in and then seconds later it will change to be a ‘tag’.

Choosing a list segment to send to

As you are making a campaign you are presented with an option to sent to a certain list.

Once you have picked the list you can then choose to segment my selected list.

Select what to filter by, in this case: Tags

Use the first selection box to choose to filter by tags.

Choose the condition and type in the tag

Example of filtering by a tag

Filter by country

You can also filter by country, here is an example of adding an extra filter condition to the existing one.

Filter by actions

Plus there are ways to filter by action, for example, perhaps you want to send to only people who have clicked on one of the links in the campaign that they received since that would indicate interested and intention.