Visual Composer has a new version.  Here are some of the comparisons that jezweb documented for your reference.

User Interface

Old Visual composer

New Visual Composer

Old Visual Composer Add element page

New Visual composer Add element page

Additional Tools and Features

Choosing a layout is pretty easy from the main Visual Composer page. It displays the following default layouts

  • Landing Page
  • Call to Action Page
  • Feature List
  • Description Page
  • Service List
  • Product Page

New 4 elements have been added

  • Flickr Widget – image feed from your flickr account
  • Empty Space – add spacer with custom height
  • Custom Heading – add custom heading texts with google fonts
  • WP Archives – a monthly archive of your sites posts

Expandable/collapsible text block

Add element button can be easily accessed in two ways

  • using the (+) plus sign from the upper left corner of Visual Composer
  • using the Add element button at the center

Adding a text block is a breeze using the Add text block button from the center of the page

Preview and other buttons stay on top while scrolling down to the bottom of the page

Small popup menu when you hover on an item

How to use the new Visual Composer?

Templates can be accessed using the table icon

Delete a row using the trash bin icon

Drag text blocks to reposition using the drag icon

Add custom CSS  using a gear icon

Frontend edit using Frontend button