Adding a thumbnail grid gallery with Visual Composer is a great way to get a a set of thumbnail images displaying on a page in an orderly grid which when you click on one of the thumbnails it opens a popup of a larger full scale view of the image.

Add an image gallery module

Choose the grid option and click the + sign

Select Upload in the media library

Click to upload files and locate on your computer

Images will upload to the server

If an image fails try to upload it again

All the images to go in the gallery should be ticked

Image titles should have descriptive keywords

Once all uploaded click Add Images

Click ‘Save’ to confirm the images

Click Preview Page or Publish and then View Page

Click a thumbnail to view the larger image

The title is above the large image

Click to edit a gallery for adjustments

Use + to add images or x to remove them

Cutomise the thumbnail size in pixels

Update and view the page again

Update and view the page again
