Rather than reaching for your mouse to click on the toolbar, use these access keys. Windows and Linux use Ctrl + letter. Macintosh uses Command + letter.

Letter Action Letter Action
c Copy v Paste
a Select all x Cut
z Undo y Redo
b Bold i Italic
u Underline 1 Heading 1
2 Heading 2 3 Heading 3
4 Heading 4 5 Heading 5
6 Heading 6 9 Address

The following shortcuts use different access keys: Alt + Shift + letter.

Letter Action Letter Action
n Check Spelling l Align Left
j Justify Text c Align Center
d Strikethrough r Align Right
u  List a Insert link
o 1. List s Remove link
q Quote m Insert Image
w Distraction Free Writing mode t Insert More Tag
p Insert Page Break tag h Help

For example instead of click Add Media to insert an image in your post you can simply hit Command + M for iOS or CTRL + M for Windows to quickly bring up the media manager.

Editor width in Distraction Free Writing mode:

Ctrl + Wider Ctrl – Narrower
Ctrl 0 Default width

Forgot the keyboard shortcuts in WordPress? Use HELP.

You need to open the Kitchen Sink. This tiny feature reveals a whole other line of options to help you make the most of the post interface, such as font styles, copy and pasting from Word and removing formatting.

To see the keyboard shortcuts list either click the help button or hit Shift + Alt + H.