We have used this plugin for a side scrolling set of sponsor logos but it could be used for a set of client logos or supplier logos or some other image that you want to show in a sequence for example on www.wintercarnivale.com.au as below
Plugin name: Image horizontal reel scroll slideshow
Plugin source: https://wordpress.org/plugins/image-horizontal-reel-scroll-slideshow
Step 1 Login to your wordpress control panel
Step 2 On the side bar menu, go to Settings > Image horizontal reel scroll slideshow
Step 3 On the Image slideshow page, hover/highlight your mouse pointer to the
desired sponsor, an Edit link should appear. Click Edit. Note that the desired
sponsor may be on another page. You may use the index number (pagination) at the
botton of the page to go to another page
Step 4 Enter the complete URL of the new sponsor logo on the Enter image path
text box. Please note that you cannot directly choose the image. Image should be
uploaded to the media library first then get the path (URL) of the image and
paste it on the box.
Step 5 Image can be added by going to Media > Add New
Step 6 In the Upload New Media page, drag the desired logo or click on Select
Files button to upload the image to the media library. Please crop/resize the
image before uploading it because it will use the actual size of the image once
uploaded to the front page of the site.
Step 7 Once new logo is uploaded, click Edit to find the actual path of the image
Step 8 On the Edit Media page, you can find the actual path of the image under
Find URL section text box. Please make sure that you select the entire URL and
copy it so image will properly show once posted on the front page.
Step 9 Go to Settings > Image Horizontal reel scroll slideshow. There are four
essential fields on this page. Enter image path, Enter target link, Enter target
option and Enter image reference field.
In Enter image path, paste the complete path (either internal or external URL) that was copied from Step 8.
In Enter target link, provide the complete path (either internal or external URL)
on where would you like to redirect the users when they click on the logo
In Enter target option, select the dropdown _blank to redirect visitors to a new
window/tab when they click on the logo. You can also redirect visitors to
another page using the same window by choosing the dropdown _self
In Enter image reference, provide the friendly name of the sponsor so it can be
easily identified when browsing the list of all sponsors page
Step 10 Click Save Details to update the sponsor logo with the changes