Do you want to add a search box in your site header? You can do that by following these tweaks in Canvas
Canvas Child Theme
Step 1 Login to WordPress control panel
Step 2 Go to Appearance > Editor
Step 3 Go to the main Canvas theme by choosing Canvas from the Select theme to edit dropdown and click Select button.
Step 4 Look and click on header.php from the main Canvas theme.
Step 5 In the header.php file, add the code below in the last line
<div class=”searchbox”><?php get_search_form(); ?></div>
Step 6 Click Update File button to apply changes to the header.php
Step 7 Click Canvas Child from the select theme to edit menu dropdown and click Select button.
Step 8 In the Canvas Child theme style.css file, paste the code below
div.searchbox {
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
right: 0;
margin-right: 12px;
Step 9 Click Update File button and go to your online site. Notice the new search box on your site’s header.
Here is a video tutorial on how add a search box in your site header