Adding your business details to Gumtree’s business directory is a good way of getting some more enquiries.
- It does seem that Gumtree gets a reasonable amount of people visiting the pages.
- Gumtree popularity appears to be increasing with more people using it more often.
- Listing cost is initially free and lasts 45 days.
- Gumtree pages do show up in Google search results occasionally.
- It’s pretty easy to create a business listing on Gumtree and takes about 10min to complete.
So, now that you know it’s worth doing lets see how we setup a business listing on Gumtree.
First, head to to post an ad.
Post an ad on Gumtree
Select Business Services, Category, Sub category, I'm offering a service
Enter your business name, slogan and add a logo
Here is a sample square photoshop logo file: download the zip and extract.