ActiveCampaign vs Infusionsoft

I was excited and enthusiastic about email marketing automation and sure that Infusionsoft was going to save me time while resulting in an improved frequency and purpose in email marketing. Infusionsoft is seen as a leader in marketing automation and whilst the consensus seems to be that it is hard to get setup that the [...]
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Changing the default footer in ActiveCampaign

To add the personalize tags click on the email template where you require to add the address and unsubscribe links. a small window with a menu will open please select the Personalize button and then you can select the personalize tags available. To stop the default footer being added automatically you need to include the […]

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Filter a list by tags and actions for an email campaign

You can filter list in  ActiveCampaign by looks various conditions so for example in my have tagged people in the contacts list tagged with a certain keyword then you can filter people who have don't have that keyword to send an e-mail to. Alternatively you might filter list according to whether someone has clicked on [...]
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Editing an email template in infusionsoft and setting tags for links Simple email sequence with time delays Find out more about infusionsoft...
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